
WOW 3 Success Story- Rudinë Fetahaj

Pursuing the success of the previous WOW (Women in Online Work) projects, the new generation of girls began treading their path with WOW 3. The program is being implemented under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Development, financed through Community Development Fund (CDF) and EMPOWER “Private Sector in Kosovo”, USAID. Implemented by Cacttus and NGO KS-Kosova as a consortium partner, the program has already begun to show signs of success.

Though still in the early stages of the program, girls have begun applying for jobs, and making their way in the world market. Among the first to get hired on Upwork, and beginning her career as a freelancer, is one of the girls studying Graphic Design.

Her Name is Rudinë Fetahaj, and this is her success story:

I’m Rudina, a twenty year old girl. Currently I’m pursuing my MA studies in the University of Prishtina, European Integration and Public Administration field. In addition, I am a Speech and Language Therapy student, in my second year of Ba studies in Heimerer College where I also work as an assistant.

My hobbies are challenged from my everyday mood. Some days, I just like to hold a cup of tea, read a great book and feel the silence, while the other days I wake up like a crazy girl who aims to conquer the world and find the answers of all existential questions which ultimately stress me out immensely.

Based on what you have read so far, you may have learned that I like to challenge myself. This is the reason why I became a WOW student. It was another opportunity for me to prove to myself, in the first place, and to my family and friends that being a girl won’t stop me from getting what I want in life.

As soon as I heard about this program, I didn’t think of it only as a way of earning extra money without having the need to work for only one employer. I saw it as a way to expand my knowledge and challenge myself in a whole new market while working with different employers from all over the world.

In the second week of training, we started to apply in different jobs. Even though I had my doubts that I would win a job, I still applied in three jobs. All of the positions were related to writing, since I have not gained all the needed skills to be qualified as a graphic designer. The process of applying wasn’t difficult at all, at least not for me. As soon as you understand the logic of cover letters and the applying process, you find yourself submitting job proposals.

The weekend ended, and as I was preparing for the Monday. I checked my mail and an email from Upwork popped on my phone screen saying you got a new unread message. I immediately signed into my account and read a message saying that I got a job as a freelancer. I was very happy, excited and a little bit scared. The first job as a freelancer!! I could not believe it. I read that message maybe ten times just to make sure I really got the job, and the most exciting part is that I will be writing about my three favorite Rock’n Roll Music Bands. Fun, right!!

Well, maybe this is my strange and interesting path!

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